
Central Oregon Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Deschutes County: 449 lawyers with active licenses to practice law as of January

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There were 449 lawyers with active licenses to practice in Deschutes County as of January, according to the Oregon State Bar.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.

As of Feb. 26, 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in Oregon was around $101,982 per year.

The Oregon public defense system reported a 69% shortage of public defenders, according to the American Bar Association.

Lawyers in Deschutes County with active legal licenses in January

Lawyer NameBar NumberDate of License Granted
A Kathryn Wymore13280203/10/2013
A Michael Adler80146012/09/1980
Aaron A Wagner17602820/11/2017
Aaron L Brenneman99227130/09/1999
Aaron M Bishow20149201/06/2020
Adam R Graefe22407713/10/2022
Alan Nicholas Stewart12145110/05/2012
Alan R Dale III13654624/12/2013
Alana Brown-Brenneman01121823/04/2001
Alison Ann Huycke06375127/09/2006
Alison G Hohengarten01289704/10/2001
Alison H Filo20597204/11/2020
Alison K Toivola23096018/05/2023
Alison Michelle Emerson04110821/04/2004
Alison R Kean93011415/01/1993
Allan B Bakalian85134011/09/1985
Alta Jean Brady84028319/04/1984
Alycia M Herriott08481225/09/2008
Alycia N Sykora97466022/09/1997
Alyson Redman18085826/04/2018
Amanda R Loshbaugh06539427/09/2006
Andrea B Shartel96178703/06/1996
Andrea K Malone05353622/09/2005
Andrew Bissonette17540916/10/2017
Andrew Fitch15100107/05/2015
Andrew Harris10212014/05/2010
Andrew Steiner14224320/08/2014
Andrew C Balyeat95192718/09/1995
Andrew Marvin Smith17277415/09/2017
Andrew R Doyle12308604/10/2012
Andrew W Ince Jr.18375204/10/2018
Angela Ruocco16153428/04/2016
Angela Therese Lee-Mandlin97459819/09/1997
Anne E Arathoon06605305/10/2006
Anthony L Salvador18285604/09/2018
Anthony Stephen Broadman11241711/07/2011
Anthony V Albertazzi96003604/01/1996
Ari D Halpern04523025/10/2004
Ariel Jane Vee12485304/10/2012
Arlo Varri03150923/04/2003
Arne I Cherkoss03286226/09/2003
Aryn Michelle Seiler19451803/10/2019
Benjamin Charles Seiken12450504/10/2012
Benjamin R Becker10335807/10/2010
Beth M Bagley97476324/09/1997
Bethany Chase Graham02053819/04/2002
Bethany Powers Flint03334926/09/2003
Billy J Williams90136627/04/1990
Bjorn CS Roos23098418/05/2023
Blake L Barnes99140926/04/1999
Bobby J Schroeder14116402/05/2014
Brad I Nye92604326/10/1992
Brandi EK Shroyer00172025/08/2000
Brent N Wilkins11556406/10/2011
Bret Alan Campbell17271012/09/2017
Brian C Dretke93141403/05/1993
Brian Jay Beck95210222/09/1995
Brian T Hemphill01284004/10/2001
Brigid K Turner06584629/09/2006
Brittany Ann Haver18352304/10/2018
Brooke C Olsen19572204/11/2019
Brooks McClain15130207/05/2015
Bruce Bischof72028722/09/1972
Bruce W DeKock91249427/09/1991
Bryan L Locker87288425/09/1987
Caleb A Staats21180407/06/2021
Caleb L Gray20264223/09/2020
Callie G Killebrew06609205/10/2006
Carl R Combs17557419/10/2017
Carl W Hopp Jr.75176019/09/1975
Carol E Macbeth15378301/10/2015
Caroline Martin23011409/02/2023
Cary B Colaianni18268113/08/2018
Casey R Baxter11077406/05/2011
Charles Allen14269402/10/2014
Charles Fadeley81219414/09/1981
Cheri P Reynolds12433004/10/2012
Chloe Thompson22509113/10/2022
Christina Gonzalez16389729/09/2016
Christopher D Bell96219120/09/1996
Christopher D Hatfield87242625/09/1987
Christopher J Kuhlman17042827/02/2017
Christopher J Manfredi06247621/09/2006
Christopher R Ambrose96034423/04/1996
Christopher R Morgan13435810/10/2013
Cliff Lu89076514/04/1989
Cole Williams23030409/02/2023
Collin T Edmonds17338505/10/2017
Colton M Theer18521310/10/2018
Corey P Driscoll15493313/10/2015
Courtney L Quale-Conrad08581107/10/2008
Craig Gipson11571507/10/2011
Craig K Edwards80213712/09/1980
Crystal Morton97083915/04/1997
Curtis M Glaccum16173218/04/2016
Cynthia L Phillips80341212/09/1980
D Adam Smith17031717/02/2017
D Rockey Goodell III11176513/05/2011
Dale L Smith79398518/09/1979
Dan K Olsen19573904/11/2019
Daniel A Zwick21198618/06/2021
Daniel J DiCarlo20367313/10/2020
Daniel Mark Spencer81381014/09/1981
Danielle Strome03232507/07/2003
Darren T Binder19525511/10/2019
Darryl Nakahira87305225/09/1987
David Doyle90147703/05/1990
David G Brown02523211/10/2002
David Gerald Fagan98223902/10/1998
David M Rosen10195210/05/2010
David Michael Feldman05251222/09/2005
David R Gibson88050015/04/1988
David W Haskett18075419/04/2018
David W Smiley95416422/09/1995
Dawn M Bertram18571102/11/2018
Derek Allen Ghan13370710/10/2013
Devin W Reynolds20011423/01/2020
Dexter J Pearce16456429/09/2016
Dominic F Passarelli16453229/09/2016
Donald E Brookhyser76075824/09/1976
Dr. Mark J Baskerville14200603/07/2014
Duke Tufty07542028/09/2007
Dustin D Hawkins16394429/09/2016
Dylan S R Potter10485507/10/2010
Edward Fitch78202618/09/1978
Edward A Merrill01348404/10/2001
Elizabeth Oshel10470507/10/2010
Elizabeth A Dickson96280120/09/1996
Elizabeth Hunter Potter10548207/10/2010
Ellen H Grover99197805/08/1999
Emerson R Levy19207523/05/2019
Emily M Conlee18025616/02/2018
Emmanuel B Miller15131907/05/2015
Eric Taylor15433101/10/2015
Eric K Helmy01283304/10/2001
Erica Strader13497410/10/2013
Erick W Ward07657026/10/2007
Erika Wilson97267915/09/1997
Erika R Thomas20130326/05/2020
Erin I Stout21379412/10/2021
Erin K MacDonald02497801/10/2002
Erin S Levenick14373302/10/2014
Errol A LaRue12368804/10/2012
Evander R McIver06431727/09/2006
Frances Mann20312808/10/2020
Frank William Groundwater08038907/03/2008
Gabriel A Naganuma22542417/10/2022
Gabriel J Corwin23081020/04/2023
Gano Lemoine13234305/08/2013
Garrett Chrostek12296504/10/2012
Garrett S Kampf20006617/01/2020
Gary R Johnson93322223/09/1993
Gary Thomas Bruce08276725/09/2008
Gina S McClard97329815/09/1997
Giselle Monique Garcia15337101/10/2015
Glenn Wallace Robles01397504/10/2001
Golsima Hagen16123428/04/2016
Gordon E Phillips00351304/10/2000
Greg P Colvin89216115/09/1989
Greg W O'Neill81446115/09/1981
Gregory P Lynch75234019/09/1975
Gunnar L Haugen11412206/10/2011
Haley N Achille16328821/09/2016
Hayley K Siltanen16482529/09/2016
Heather J Turk14449402/10/2014
Heidi J Kim22695429/12/2022
Helen C Tompkins87210025/09/1987
Holly A Elmore98221402/10/1998
Holly Wylam Klein06204009/06/2006
Howard G Arnett77099826/09/1977
Ian M Leitheiser99310630/09/1999
Isabella P Alvarado23148530/05/2023
J Christian Malone05317022/09/2005
J Michael Rockett95486029/09/1995
J Michael Swart20163505/06/2020
Jack L Landau82155407/05/1982
Jacob Derman20365813/10/2020
James B Noel20558422/10/2020
James C Bartholomew13300210/10/2013
James D Zupancic86323119/09/1986
James Edwin Bailey III92200802/07/1992
James I Fishback16564226/10/2016
James J MacAfee79308218/09/1979
James L Keathley20303208/10/2020
Jamie Gerlitz05438427/09/2005
Jamie E McLeod-Skinner19176423/05/2019
Jamie M Svisco22223706/06/2022
Jared Anthony Anderson20341213/10/2020
Jason Kropf96333420/09/1996
Jason Benjamin Wheeless05098027/04/2005
Jason L LaBella18260330/07/2018
Jeff Eager04540515/11/2004
Jeff S Patterson02419330/09/2002
Jeffrey K McCollum78062024/04/1978
Jeffrey K Traylor09674214/12/2009
Jeffrey Paul Bernstein92228318/09/1992
Jeffry S Hinman09682123/12/2009
Jennifer J Smith17253714/08/2017
Jennilyn K Aston12275104/10/2012
JennyRae Foreman14085402/05/2014
Jeremy M Green04063921/04/2004
Jessica C Vail21057508/03/2021
Jessica F Cherry21355812/10/2021
Jessica R Lueker Fleming14163115/05/2014
Jessica S Doidge23045409/03/2023
Jodie W Hueske91463627/09/1991
Joel A Wirtz03496426/09/2003
Joel J Kent96326220/09/1996
Joel K Overlund87314925/09/1987
Joel T Geelan12538510/10/2012
John Goodman97497802/10/1997
John Sutter92612225/11/1992
John A Walsh11285113/09/2011
John D Sorlie95045117/04/1995
John E Laherty03608415/12/2003
John Kyle Schmid06116927/04/2006
John M Scheppach21315404/10/2021
John P Anderson97199515/09/1997
John Philip Fluvog14581025/11/2014
John Phillip Gilroy99053521/04/1999
John S Stone75358619/09/1975
John Vincent Komar12198104/05/2012
Jon J Napier98306202/10/1998
Jonathan Moowon Char02499202/10/2002
Jonathan S Pritchard87076817/04/1987
Jonathan T van Heel09534908/10/2009
Joseph A Langerman18391004/10/2018
Joseph M Harder11109206/05/2011
Joseph S Walsh06542727/09/2006
Josh Newton98308702/10/1998
Joshua M Hood19312213/09/2019
Julia A Follansbee86036025/04/1986
Julianne Willis20338909/10/2020
Julie L Gregory01127125/04/2001
Julie M Van Handel97418615/09/1997
Justin J Burns00222004/10/2000
Justine Kerri Fanarof21569901/11/2021
Karla L Nash94203709/06/1994
Kate M Hawe18093701/05/2018
Katherine C Tank88319923/09/1988
Katherine Christine Griffith13401810/10/2013
Katherine L Rowe19065406/03/2019
Katherine R Burns20350813/10/2020
Kathryn J Skondin12455204/10/2012
Kaycee Jane McClary19416003/10/2019
Kelly Lance Monaghan15393401/10/2015
Kenneth C Goodin06629013/10/2006
Kent C Whitaker70160518/09/1970
Kerry D Tweet02122924/04/2002
Kevin Carolan05475705/10/2005
Kevin J Keillor90079327/04/1990
Kimberly D Riley22311801/09/2022
Kristen E Sabo20180112/06/2020
Kristin M Larson02363930/09/2002
Kristin Scheel Downes17032421/02/2017
Kristofer J Womack10545007/10/2010
Kurt E Barker01197704/10/2001
Kyle C Fleming13575221/10/2013
Kyle D Wuepper00160121/07/2000
Kyle J Anderson01149317/05/2001
Kyle J Piro12425104/10/2012
L Todd Wilson97438315/09/1997
Lance A Termes17642321/12/2017
Laura A Baumann19088418/03/2019
Laura Craska Cooper99147027/04/1999
Laura R Franzen12316504/10/2012
Laurel A Cherkoss05546221/12/2005
Lauren C Guicheteau16218513/05/2016
Lauren J Lester06085827/04/2006
Lauren M Nowierski-Stadnick21032208/02/2021
Lawrence M Gorman88215023/09/1988
Lawrence W Erwin73085021/09/1973
Leanne Ryan06214322/06/2006
Lee Michael Griffith10100306/05/2010
Leilani R Beaver22197302/06/2022
Leslie T Nitcher08432125/09/2008
Liana E Jones21063012/03/2021
Lillah Lehner03394026/09/2003
Linda A Ratcliffe00496322/12/2000
Lindsay E Gardner12320504/10/2012
Lisa Andrach04001209/01/2004
Lisa Calyn Valenta13049422/03/2013
Liz Fancher81220214/09/1981
Lonn T W Johnston08373425/09/2008
Lori K Murphy99070021/04/1999
Mara E Houck16193902/05/2016
Marc Charles Baumgartner10309615/09/2010
Marc L Tisher00119926/04/2000
Margaret E Maffai14138607/05/2014
Marika E Sitz21519112/10/2021
Mario F Riquelme02440930/09/2002
Mark Bonnett90467119/11/1990
Mark A Basurto19107615/04/2019
Mark A Williams80408812/09/1980
Mark D Hesiak22016724/01/2022
Mark G Reinecke91407327/09/1991
Martin E Hansen80052618/04/1980
Mary Alice Winters07682419/11/2007
Mary F Anderson95201622/09/1995
Mary Kate Clason10679913/12/2010
Mathias G Bartlett22215827/05/2022
Matthew A Holland08083001/05/2008
Matthew Carl Nelson10460207/10/2010
Matthew G Matrisciano08413125/09/2008
Matthew L Mohill07078019/04/2007
Matthew Lee Baughman17033222/02/2017
Matthew O Rykels22004912/01/2022
Max M Yoklic19486503/10/2019
Megan J Horner13568018/10/2013
Megan K Burgess04252628/09/2004
Melanie Kebler08379825/09/2008
Melinda Thomas05396222/09/2005
Melissa P Lande91349327/09/1991
Merrill A Maiano08237026/08/2008
Micaela Ashe Guthrie12609116/11/2012
Michael B McCord78300018/09/1978
Michael C Robinson91090926/04/1991
Michael C Sullivan73297721/09/1973
Michael G Romano00094226/04/2000
Michael H McGean00473403/11/2000
Michael J Della Paolera22118105/05/2022
Michael N Selkirk19183623/05/2019
Michael P Stadnick21033908/02/2021
Michael R Hughes13594204/11/2013
Michael R McLane90443508/10/1990
Michael V Staudaher14171020/05/2014
Michael W Peterkin82367024/09/1982
Michelle A McIver08205417/06/2008
Mrs. Courtney E Carskadon21409812/10/2021
Mrs. Heather J Hansen03518930/09/2003
Mrs. Megan K Beshai19556421/10/2019
Myles A Conway88184023/09/1988
Nathan Klinger19395303/10/2019
Nathan Gabriel Steele00438606/10/2000
Neil A Cole96246020/09/1996
Nicolas F Patterson06463227/09/2006
Olivia M Miller23053409/03/2023
Owyhee Weikel-Magden08132401/05/2008
Pamela Hardy06346827/09/2006
Patricia Louise Nelson93299023/09/1993
Patrick J Flaherty88378321/12/1988
Patrick K Cougill88380928/12/1988
Patrick Miguel Julian99467417/11/1999
Paul B Heatherman93300023/09/1993
Paul D Kim20193624/06/2020
Paul J Taylor98356002/10/1998
Peter Shepherd80106618/04/1980
Peter Straumfjord10515907/10/2010
Peter A Christoff08583608/10/2008
Peter A Werner09172226/05/2009
Peter C Richter71146517/09/1971
Peter L Deuel85186320/09/1985
Peter Roy Brantley05134831/05/2005
Peter S Hicks93305723/09/1993
Phil Hung Duong06318127/09/2006
Philip Gibson Henderson89057514/04/1989
Philip Harry Garrow83208013/09/1983
Philip J Kirk22434613/10/2022
Quinlan Steiner19631916/12/2019
Rand O Campbell19340803/10/2019
Randy L Wadsworth95536004/12/1995
Raun William Atkinson14275802/10/2014
Raymond D Crutchley01108123/04/2001
Reagan Lee Brenneman Desmond04512918/10/2004
Rebecca L Spain Keller22201502/06/2022
Rene C Holmes98253002/10/1998
Richard Alan Stout77363026/09/1977
Robert F Nichols Jr.78318218/09/1978
Robert W Ickes05291722/09/2005
Robin DesCamp97541523/12/1997
Robin D Dal Soglio21261430/08/2021
Ronald M Johnson88062915/04/1988
Rory Isbell17378005/10/2017
Rosalie Beaumont12116710/05/2012
Ryan Cresswell Kaiser13034414/02/2013
Ryan P Boyle05207822/09/2005
Ryan Patrick Correa07110909/05/2007
Ryan S Mauck19415303/10/2019
Sam M Cohn22040431/01/2022
Sam M Nagy12123910/05/2012
Sanny Kataoka23240603/08/2023
Sarah Trautman22624103/11/2022
Sarah E Harlos08591513/10/2008
Sarah J Yates18483004/10/2018
Sarah R Monkton19601806/12/2019
Scott R Crane98201702/10/1998
Sean L Kyle17618504/12/2017
Sean M Neary11470906/10/2011
Sean Michael Trimble11144006/05/2011
Sean Patrick Levy14100702/05/2014
Selah Crisp23303305/10/2023
Shahzad Qadri18107310/05/2018
Shannon McCabe14381202/10/2014
Sharon J Murray-Roberts14064907/04/2014
Sharon R Smith86292019/09/1986
Shelby Thomas17477205/10/2017
Shiann R Schmidt18613317/12/2018
Stacey H Taylor00280804/10/2000
Stacy Neil02404330/09/2002
Stephanie Marshall06663022/11/2006
Stephanie Carsten Kucera16550913/10/2016
Stephen Mensing93363423/09/1993
Stephen A Wight92503718/09/1992
Stephen C Thompson76359724/09/1976
Stephen H Gunnels94083822/04/1994
Stephen P Forte83037622/04/1983
Steven D Bryant91530226/12/1991
Steven L Shropshire94437523/09/1994
Steven M Kurzer00064126/04/2000
Steven P Hultberg96313720/09/1996
Sue O Hagerty06209619/06/2006
Susan C Moffet87063217/04/1987
Susan K Eggum82457607/10/1982
Suzanne M McVicker11068702/05/2011
Tamara E MacLeod95342722/09/1995
Tanja E Hens07199314/05/2007
Taylor B Hale20452213/10/2020
Terrence B O'Sullivan68122520/09/1968
Thaddeus August Betz06274527/09/2006
Theodore D Krause23149330/05/2023
Thomas Bahrman00197304/10/2000
Thomas J Mortland76260624/09/1976
Thomas M Spear Jr.95171208/06/1995
Thomas P Harbolt93291123/09/1993
Tia Marie Lewis93343723/09/1993
Tim G Elliott95255322/09/1995
Timothy L Williams03494026/09/2003
Timothy P Lyons22225206/06/2022
Todd H Grover98244302/10/1998
Tony F De Alicante89018814/04/1989
Tracy L Scheidtmann18585413/11/2018
Trevor Stephens15151607/05/2015
Tye J Gonser20018430/01/2020
Tyler J Moore17254421/08/2017
Valerie Wright86107525/04/1986
W Edward Neusteter19013207/01/2019
Walter R Miller Jr.04361128/09/2004
Wayne D Hawn08011015/01/2008
Wells B Ashby03260110/09/2003
Wendy H Hanson06588502/10/2006
Wendy Miki Glaus19604009/12/2019
Will Dennis06178508/05/2006
Will Van Vactor07559528/09/2007
William Lamb20161105/06/2020
William D Bunch99440614/10/1999
William Fred Buchanan93222323/09/1993
William Glenn Wardlow16204305/05/2016
Xavier Andres Campos19629413/12/2019
Zach Santos19511309/10/2019



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