
Central Oregon Times

Monday, March 31, 2025

495 active legal licenses in Deschutes County as of January

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Myah Kehoe member of Oregon State Bar - Region 5 | https://www.osbar.org

Myah Kehoe member of Oregon State Bar - Region 5 | https://www.osbar.org

There were 495 lawyers with active licenses to practice in Deschutes County as of January, according to the Oregon State Bar.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.

As of Feb. 26, 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in Oregon was around $101,982 per year.

The Oregon public defense system reported a 69% shortage of public defenders, according to the American Bar Association.

Lawyers in Deschutes County with active legal licenses in January

Lawyer NameBar NumberDate of License Granted
A Kathryn Kathryn Wymore132802-
A Michael Adler801460-
Aaron L Brenneman992271-
Aaron M Bishow201492-
Adam Eno246144-
Adam R Graefe224077-
Alan Nicholas Stewart121451-
Alan R Dale III136546-
Alana Brown-Brenneman011218-
Alexander S Wylie014570-
Alexandra Brucker232484-
Alison Ann Huycke063751-
Alison G Hohengarten012897-
Alison H Filo205972-
Alison K Toivola230960-
Alison Michelle Emerson041108-
Alison R Kean930114-
Allan B Bakalian851340-
Allison Adams246571-
Alycia M Herriott084812-
Alycia N Sykora974660-
Alyson Redman180858-
Amanda R Loshbaugh065394-
Andrea B Shartel961787-
Andrea K Malone053536-
Andrew Fitch151001-
Andrew Harris102120-
Andrew Steiner142243-
Andrew C Balyeat951927-
Andrew Marvin Smith172774-
Andrew R Doyle123086-
Andrew W Ince Jr.183752-
Angela Therese Lee-Mandlin974598-
Anne E Arathoon066053-
Anthony L Salvador182856-
Anthony Stephen Broadman112417-
Anthony V Albertazzi960036-
Ari D Halpern045230-
Ariel Jane Vee124853-
Arlo Varri031509-
Arne I Cherkoss032862-
Aron D Yarmo934626-
Ashley Joyce Tuttle242796-
Audra S Thramer225109-
Baylee June Logan243749-
Benjamin Charles Seiken124505-
Benjamin R Becker103358-
Beth M Bagley974763-
Bethany Chase Graham020538-
Bethany Clare Kamalei Ace176257-
Bethany Powers Flint033349-
Billy J Williams901366-
Bjorn CS Roos230984-
Blake A Robinson241654-
Blake L Barnes991409-
Bobby J Schroeder141164-
Brad I Nye926043-
Brandi EK Shroyer001720-
Brent N Wilkins115564-
Bret Alan Campbell172710-
Brian D Flagler011264-
Brian Jay Beck952102-
Brian T Hemphill012840-
Brian Timothy Allen230992-
Brigid K Turner065846-
Brock L Faulkner206118-
Brooke C Olsen195722-
Brooks McClain151302-
Bruce W DeKock912494-
Bryan M Donahue120484-
Caleb A Staats211804-
Callie G Killebrew066092-
Carl R Combs175574-
Carl W Hopp Jr.751760-
Carol E Macbeth153783-
Carolyn Powell230565-
Carrie L Young221823-
Cary B Colaianni182681-
Casey R Baxter110774-
Charles Allen142694-
Charles Fadeley812194-
Charles B Fromm195065-
Charles C Hall240426-
Chase V Parnell174314-
Cheri P Reynolds124330-
Chloe Thompson225091-
Chris Jirges153578-
Christian P Foote241662-
Christina Gonzalez163897-
Christopher Dunbar243265-
Christopher D Bell962191-
Christopher D Hatfield872426-
Christopher J Kuhlman170428-
Christopher J Manfredi062476-
Christopher R Morgan134358-
Cliff Lu890765-
Cole Williams230304-
Collin T Edmonds173385-
Colton M Theer185213-
Columbine K Quillen151405-
Corey P Driscoll154933-
Courtney L Quale-Conrad085811-
Craig Gipson115715-
Craig K Edwards802137-
Crystal Lee Morton970839-
Curtis M Glaccum161732-
Cynthia L Phillips803412-
D Adam Smith170317-
D Rockey Goodell III111765-
Dan K Olsen195739-
Daniel J DiCarlo203673-
Daniel J Hesson952972-
Danielle Strome032325-
Darren T Binder195255-
Darryl Nakahira873052-
David Doyle901477-
David Pilz064711-
David G Brown025232-
David Gerald Fagan982239-
David M Rosen101952-
David Michael Feldman052512-
David R Gibson880500-
David T Hession235830-
David W Haskett180754-
David W Smiley954164-
Dawn M Bertram185711-
Derek A Matthews210124-
Derek Allen Ghan133707-
Devin W Reynolds200114-
Dexter J Pearce164564-
Dominic F Passarelli164532-
Dr. Ann Bernert241852-
Dr. Mark J Baskerville142006-
Duke Tufty075420-
Dustin D Hawkins163944-
Dylan Ashe174851-
Dylan S R Potter104855-
Edward Fitch782026-
Edward A Merrill013484-
Elizabeth Oshel104705-
Elizabeth A Dickson962801-
Elizabeth Hunter Potter105482-
Ellen H Grover991978-
Emerson R Levy192075-
Emily M Conlee180256-
Emmanuel B Miller151319-
Eric Hale940860-
Eric Taylor154331-
Eric Paul Apjoke242116-
Erick W Ward076570-
Erika L Wilson972679-
Erika R Thomas201303-
Erin K MacDonald024978-
Erin S Levenick143733-
Errol A LaRue123688-
Evander R McIver064317-
Frances Mann203128-
Frank William Groundwater080389-
Frederick N Schroeder075341-
Gabriel A Naganuma225424-
Gabriel J Corwin230810-
Gano Lemoine132343-
Garrett Chrostek122965-
Garrett S Kampf200066-
Gary R Johnson933222-
Gary Thomas Bruce082767-
Gina S McClard973298-
Glenn Wallace Robles013975-
Golsima Hagen161234-
Gordon E Phillips003513-
Greg P Colvin892161-
Greg W O'Neill814461-
Gregory P Lynch752340-
Hanah Mirahmadi234697-
Heather J Turk144494-
Heidi J Kim226954-
Helen C Tompkins872100-
Hillary Anne Brooks012138-
Holly A Elmore982214-
Holly Wylam Klein062040-
Howard G Arnett770998-
Ian M Leitheiser993106-
Isabel Caitlin Harris244351-
Isabella P Alvarado231485-
J Christian Malone053170-
J Michael Rockett954860-
J Michael Swart201635-
Jack L Landau821554-
Jacklyn L Richins184300-
Jacob Derman203658-
James B Noel205584-
James C Bartholomew133002-
James D Zupancic863231-
James I Fishback165642-
James L Keathley203032-
Jamie Gerlitz054384-
Jamie E McLeod-Skinner191764-
Jamie M Svisco222237-
Jared Anthony Anderson203412-
Jason Kropf963334-
Jason Benjamin Wheeless050980-
Jason D Kipnis240480-
Jason L LaBella182603-
Jeff Eager045405-
Jeff S Patterson024193-
Jefferson T Michael220246-
Jeffrey D Coats130566-
Jeffrey K McCollum780620-
Jeffrey K Traylor096742-
Jeffrey Paul Bernstein922283-
Jeffry S Hinman096821-
Jennifer E Woodruff971583-
Jennifer J Smith172537-
Jennilyn K Aston122751-
JennyRae Foreman140854-
Jeremy Dickman052361-
Jeremy M Green040639-
Jessica C Vail210575-
Jessica F Cherry213558-
Jessica Lee Kindley241433-
Jessica R Lueker Fleming141631-
Jessica S Doidge230454-
Jodie W Hueske914636-
Joel A Wirtz034964-
Joel J Kent963262-
Joel K Overlund873149-
Joel T Geelan125385-
Joel Watkins Shaffer242954-
John Goodman974978-
John Sutter926122-
John D Sorlie950451-
John E Laherty036084-
John Kyle Schmid061169-
John M Scheppach213154-
John Michael Myers172465-
John P Anderson971995-
John Philip Fluvog145810-
John Phillip Gilroy990535-
John S Stone753586-
John Vincent Komar121981-
Jon J Napier983062-
Jonathan Moowon Char024992-
Jonathan S Pritchard870768-
Jonathan T van Heel095349-
Jordan Rodriguez241457-
Joseph A Langerman183910-
Joseph B Sullivan210963-
Joseph S Walsh065427-
Josh Newton983087-
Joshua M Hood193122-
Julia A Follansbee860360-
Julie L Gregory011271-
Julie M Van Handel974186-
Juliet A Hayden244620-
Justice V Kelley244637-
Justin J Bubenik240244-
Justin J Burns002220-
Justine Kerri Fanarof215699-
Karen Stanley022489-
Karla L Nash942037-
Kate M Hawe180937-
Katherine C Tank883199-
Katherine L Rowe190654-
Katherine R Burns203508-
Kathleen Diane Long211654-
Kathryn J Pfeil214374-
Kathryn J Skondin124552-
Kaycee Jane McClary194160-
Kelly Lance Monaghan153934-
Kelsey Quinn Gorman245612-
Kenneth C Goodin066290-
Kent C Whitaker701605-
Kerry D Tweet021229-
Kevin Carolan054757-
Kevin J Keillor900793-
Kilani Michelle Fierstos244716-
Kimberley M Johnson212352-
Kimberly D Riley223118-
Kortney K Barnes186125-
Kristen E Sabo201801-
Kristin M Larson023639-
Kristin Scheel Downes170324-
Kristofer J Womack105450-
Kurt E Barker011977-
Kyle Pearson164571-
Kyle C Fleming135752-
Kyle D Wuepper001601-
Kyle J Anderson011493-
Kyle J Piro124251-
L Todd Wilson974383-
Lance A Termes176423-
Laura A Baumann190884-
Laura Craska Cooper991470-
Laura R Franzen123165-
Laurel A Cherkoss055462-
Lauren C Guicheteau162185-
Lauren J Lester060858-
Lauren M Nowierski-Stadnick210322-
Lawrence M Gorman882150-
Lawrence W Erwin730850-
Leanne Ryan062143-
Lee Michael Griffith101003-
Leilani R Beaver221973-
Leslie T Nitcher084321-
Liana E Jones210630-
Lillah Lehner033940-
Linda A Ratcliffe004963-
Lindsay E Gardner123205-
Lisa Andrach040012-
Lisa Calyn Valenta130494-
Liz Fancher812202-
Lonn T W Johnston083734-
Lori K Murphy990700-
Mara E Houck161939-
Marc Charles Baumgartner103096-
Marc L Tisher001199-
Margaret R McAdams213637-
Marika E Sitz215191-
Mario F Riquelme024409-
Mark Bonnett904671-
Mark A Basurto191076-
Mark A Williams804088-
Mark D Hesiak220167-
Mark G Reinecke914073-
Martha Ottillie Neustadt076293-
Martin E Hansen800526-
Mary Alice Winters076824-
Mary F Anderson952016-
Mary Kate Clason106799-
Matthew A Holland080830-
Matthew Carl Nelson104602-
Matthew G Matrisciano084131-
Matthew L Mohill070780-
Matthew O Rykels220049-
Matthew R Cody232818-
Matthew Turner Sonneby245723-
Maureen M Home236252-
Max M Yoklic194865-
Megan J Horner135680-
Megan K Burgess042526-
Melanie Kebler083798-
Melinda Thomas053962-
Melissa P Lande913493-
Merrill A Maiano082370-
Micaela Ashe Guthrie126091-
Michael B McCord783000-
Michael C Petersen951855-
Michael C Sullivan732977-
Michael H McGean004734-
Michael J Della Paolera221181-
Michael N Selkirk191836-
Michael P Stadnick210339-
Michael R Hughes135942-
Michael R McLane904435-
Michael V Staudaher141710-
Michael W Peterkin823670-
Michelle A McIver082054-
Michelle Kathleen Littlewood246381-
Monica Ashley Nolan246595-
Mrs. Alison Burrows Stameisen203515-
Mrs. Christine C Bacon110995-
Mrs. Courtney E Carskadon214098-
Mrs. Heather J Hansen035189-
Mrs. Megan K Beshai195564-
Mrs. Melissa Anne Olen246714-
Myles A Conway881840-
Nathan Klinger193953-
Nathan Gabriel Steele004386-
Neil A Cole962460-
Niccolo Fedele Barber171957-
Nicolas F Patterson064632-
Nicole M Burke191456-
Olivia M Miller230534-
Owyhee Weikel-Magden081324-
P Heath Hattaway222750-
Patricia Louise Nelson932990-
Patrick J Flaherty883783-
Patrick K Cougill883809-
Patrick Miguel Julian994674-
Paul B Heatherman933000-
Paul D Kim201936-
Paul J Taylor983560-
Peter Shepherd801066-
Peter Straumfjord105159-
Peter A Christoff085836-
Peter A Werner091722-
Peter C Richter711465-
Peter L Deuel851863-
Peter Roy Brantley051348-
Peter S Hicks933057-
Phil Hung Duong063181-
Philip Gibson Henderson890575-
Philip Harry Garrow832080-
Philip J Kirk224346-
Philip R Anderson952023-
Quinlan Steiner196319-
Quinn McVey Burket232975-
R Brady Williams164983-
Rand O Campbell193408-
Raun William Atkinson142758-
Raymond D Crutchley011081-
Reagan Lee Brenneman Desmond045129-
Rebecca L Spain Keller222015-
Rene C Holmes982530-
Richard Alan Stout773630-
Robert W Ickes052917-
Robin DesCamp975415-
Robin D Dal Soglio212614-
Robin Lewis Hopkins Hayakawa245098-
Ronald L Roome880976-
Ronald M Johnson880629-
Rory Isbell173780-
Rosalie Beaumont121167-
Ryan C Kaiser130344-
Ryan P Boyle052078-
Ryan Patrick Correa071109-
Ryan S Mauck194153-
Ryan T Howard123466-
S Skye Gross230881-
Sam M Cohn220404-
Sam M Nagy121239-
Sanny Kataoka232406-
Sarah Trautman226241-
Sarah E Harlos085915-
Sarah J Yates184830-
Sarah K Murray205316-
Sarah R Monkton196018-
Scott J Mahady064180-
Scott R Crane982017-
Sean L Kyle176185-
Sean M Neary114709-
Sean Michael Trimble111440-
Sean Patrick Levy141007-
Shahzad Qadri181073-
Shanley N Chandler214422-
Shannon McCabe143812-
Sharon J Murray-Roberts140649-
Sharon R Smith862920-
Shelby Thomas174772-
Shiann R Schmidt186133-
Stacey H Taylor002808-
Stacy Neil024043-
Stephanie Marshall066630-
Stephanie Carsten Kucera165509-
Stephanie Jost Fiereck972582-
Stephen Mensing933634-
Stephen A Wight925037-
Stephen C Thompson763597-
Stephen H Gunnels940838-
Stephen P Forte830376-
Steven D Bryant915302-
Steven L Shropshire944375-
Steven M Avila235744-
Steven M Kurzer000641-
Steven P Hultberg963137-
Sue O Hagerty062096-
Susan C Moffet870632-
Susan K Eggum824576-
Suzanne M McVicker110687-
Tamara E MacLeod953427-
Tanja E Hens071993-
Taylor B Hale204522-
Terrence B O'Sullivan681225-
Theodore D Krause231493-
Thomas Bahrman001973-
Thomas J Mortland762606-
Thomas M Spear Jr.951712-
Tia Marie Lewis933437-
Tim G Elliott952553-
Timothy L Williams034940-
Timothy P Lyons222252-
Todd H Grover982443-
Tony F De Alicante890188-
Tracy L Scheidtmann185854-
Trent Jared Fornasier234515-
Trevor Stephens151516-
Tye J Gonser200184-
Tyler J Moore172544-
Tyler P Malstrom094325-
Tyson E Storch954290-
Valerie Wright861075-
W Edward Neusteter190132-
Walter R Miller Jr.043611-
Wayne D Hawn080110-
Wells B Ashby032601-
Wendy H Hanson065885-
Will Dennis061785-
Will Van Vactor075595-
William Lamb201611-
William D Bunch994406-
William Fred Buchanan932223-
William Glenn Wardlow162043-
William J Martin862415-
William Peery Melton243075-
Xavier Andres Campos196294-



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