Myah Kehoe member of Oregon State Bar - Region 5 |
Myah Kehoe member of Oregon State Bar - Region 5 |
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.
As of Feb. 26, 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in Oregon was around $101,982 per year.
The Oregon public defense system reported a 69% shortage of public defenders, according to the American Bar Association.
Lawyers in Deschutes County with active legal licenses in January
Lawyer Name | Bar Number | Date of License Granted |
A Kathryn Kathryn Wymore | 132802 | - |
A Michael Adler | 801460 | - |
Aaron L Brenneman | 992271 | - |
Aaron M Bishow | 201492 | - |
Adam Eno | 246144 | - |
Adam R Graefe | 224077 | - |
Alan Nicholas Stewart | 121451 | - |
Alan R Dale III | 136546 | - |
Alana Brown-Brenneman | 011218 | - |
Alexander S Wylie | 014570 | - |
Alexandra Brucker | 232484 | - |
Alison Ann Huycke | 063751 | - |
Alison G Hohengarten | 012897 | - |
Alison H Filo | 205972 | - |
Alison K Toivola | 230960 | - |
Alison Michelle Emerson | 041108 | - |
Alison R Kean | 930114 | - |
Allan B Bakalian | 851340 | - |
Allison Adams | 246571 | - |
Alycia M Herriott | 084812 | - |
Alycia N Sykora | 974660 | - |
Alyson Redman | 180858 | - |
Amanda R Loshbaugh | 065394 | - |
Andrea B Shartel | 961787 | - |
Andrea K Malone | 053536 | - |
Andrew Fitch | 151001 | - |
Andrew Harris | 102120 | - |
Andrew Steiner | 142243 | - |
Andrew C Balyeat | 951927 | - |
Andrew Marvin Smith | 172774 | - |
Andrew R Doyle | 123086 | - |
Andrew W Ince Jr. | 183752 | - |
Angela Therese Lee-Mandlin | 974598 | - |
Anne E Arathoon | 066053 | - |
Anthony L Salvador | 182856 | - |
Anthony Stephen Broadman | 112417 | - |
Anthony V Albertazzi | 960036 | - |
Ari D Halpern | 045230 | - |
Ariel Jane Vee | 124853 | - |
Arlo Varri | 031509 | - |
Arne I Cherkoss | 032862 | - |
Aron D Yarmo | 934626 | - |
Ashley Joyce Tuttle | 242796 | - |
Audra S Thramer | 225109 | - |
Baylee June Logan | 243749 | - |
Benjamin Charles Seiken | 124505 | - |
Benjamin R Becker | 103358 | - |
Beth M Bagley | 974763 | - |
Bethany Chase Graham | 020538 | - |
Bethany Clare Kamalei Ace | 176257 | - |
Bethany Powers Flint | 033349 | - |
Billy J Williams | 901366 | - |
Bjorn CS Roos | 230984 | - |
Blake A Robinson | 241654 | - |
Blake L Barnes | 991409 | - |
Bobby J Schroeder | 141164 | - |
Brad I Nye | 926043 | - |
Brandi EK Shroyer | 001720 | - |
Brent N Wilkins | 115564 | - |
Bret Alan Campbell | 172710 | - |
Brian D Flagler | 011264 | - |
Brian Jay Beck | 952102 | - |
Brian T Hemphill | 012840 | - |
Brian Timothy Allen | 230992 | - |
Brigid K Turner | 065846 | - |
Brock L Faulkner | 206118 | - |
Brooke C Olsen | 195722 | - |
Brooks McClain | 151302 | - |
Bruce W DeKock | 912494 | - |
Bryan M Donahue | 120484 | - |
Caleb A Staats | 211804 | - |
Callie G Killebrew | 066092 | - |
Carl R Combs | 175574 | - |
Carl W Hopp Jr. | 751760 | - |
Carol E Macbeth | 153783 | - |
Carolyn Powell | 230565 | - |
Carrie L Young | 221823 | - |
Cary B Colaianni | 182681 | - |
Casey R Baxter | 110774 | - |
Charles Allen | 142694 | - |
Charles Fadeley | 812194 | - |
Charles B Fromm | 195065 | - |
Charles C Hall | 240426 | - |
Chase V Parnell | 174314 | - |
Cheri P Reynolds | 124330 | - |
Chloe Thompson | 225091 | - |
Chris Jirges | 153578 | - |
Christian P Foote | 241662 | - |
Christina Gonzalez | 163897 | - |
Christopher Dunbar | 243265 | - |
Christopher D Bell | 962191 | - |
Christopher D Hatfield | 872426 | - |
Christopher J Kuhlman | 170428 | - |
Christopher J Manfredi | 062476 | - |
Christopher R Morgan | 134358 | - |
Cliff Lu | 890765 | - |
Cole Williams | 230304 | - |
Collin T Edmonds | 173385 | - |
Colton M Theer | 185213 | - |
Columbine K Quillen | 151405 | - |
Corey P Driscoll | 154933 | - |
Courtney L Quale-Conrad | 085811 | - |
Craig Gipson | 115715 | - |
Craig K Edwards | 802137 | - |
Crystal Lee Morton | 970839 | - |
Curtis M Glaccum | 161732 | - |
Cynthia L Phillips | 803412 | - |
D Adam Smith | 170317 | - |
D Rockey Goodell III | 111765 | - |
Dan K Olsen | 195739 | - |
Daniel J DiCarlo | 203673 | - |
Daniel J Hesson | 952972 | - |
Danielle Strome | 032325 | - |
Darren T Binder | 195255 | - |
Darryl Nakahira | 873052 | - |
David Doyle | 901477 | - |
David Pilz | 064711 | - |
David G Brown | 025232 | - |
David Gerald Fagan | 982239 | - |
David M Rosen | 101952 | - |
David Michael Feldman | 052512 | - |
David R Gibson | 880500 | - |
David T Hession | 235830 | - |
David W Haskett | 180754 | - |
David W Smiley | 954164 | - |
Dawn M Bertram | 185711 | - |
Derek A Matthews | 210124 | - |
Derek Allen Ghan | 133707 | - |
Devin W Reynolds | 200114 | - |
Dexter J Pearce | 164564 | - |
Dominic F Passarelli | 164532 | - |
Dr. Ann Bernert | 241852 | - |
Dr. Mark J Baskerville | 142006 | - |
Duke Tufty | 075420 | - |
Dustin D Hawkins | 163944 | - |
Dylan Ashe | 174851 | - |
Dylan S R Potter | 104855 | - |
Edward Fitch | 782026 | - |
Edward A Merrill | 013484 | - |
Elizabeth Oshel | 104705 | - |
Elizabeth A Dickson | 962801 | - |
Elizabeth Hunter Potter | 105482 | - |
Ellen H Grover | 991978 | - |
Emerson R Levy | 192075 | - |
Emily M Conlee | 180256 | - |
Emmanuel B Miller | 151319 | - |
Eric Hale | 940860 | - |
Eric Taylor | 154331 | - |
Eric Paul Apjoke | 242116 | - |
Erick W Ward | 076570 | - |
Erika L Wilson | 972679 | - |
Erika R Thomas | 201303 | - |
Erin K MacDonald | 024978 | - |
Erin S Levenick | 143733 | - |
Errol A LaRue | 123688 | - |
Evander R McIver | 064317 | - |
Frances Mann | 203128 | - |
Frank William Groundwater | 080389 | - |
Frederick N Schroeder | 075341 | - |
Gabriel A Naganuma | 225424 | - |
Gabriel J Corwin | 230810 | - |
Gano Lemoine | 132343 | - |
Garrett Chrostek | 122965 | - |
Garrett S Kampf | 200066 | - |
Gary R Johnson | 933222 | - |
Gary Thomas Bruce | 082767 | - |
Gina S McClard | 973298 | - |
Glenn Wallace Robles | 013975 | - |
Golsima Hagen | 161234 | - |
Gordon E Phillips | 003513 | - |
Greg P Colvin | 892161 | - |
Greg W O'Neill | 814461 | - |
Gregory P Lynch | 752340 | - |
Hanah Mirahmadi | 234697 | - |
Heather J Turk | 144494 | - |
Heidi J Kim | 226954 | - |
Helen C Tompkins | 872100 | - |
Hillary Anne Brooks | 012138 | - |
Holly A Elmore | 982214 | - |
Holly Wylam Klein | 062040 | - |
Howard G Arnett | 770998 | - |
Ian M Leitheiser | 993106 | - |
Isabel Caitlin Harris | 244351 | - |
Isabella P Alvarado | 231485 | - |
J Christian Malone | 053170 | - |
J Michael Rockett | 954860 | - |
J Michael Swart | 201635 | - |
Jack L Landau | 821554 | - |
Jacklyn L Richins | 184300 | - |
Jacob Derman | 203658 | - |
James B Noel | 205584 | - |
James C Bartholomew | 133002 | - |
James D Zupancic | 863231 | - |
James I Fishback | 165642 | - |
James L Keathley | 203032 | - |
Jamie Gerlitz | 054384 | - |
Jamie E McLeod-Skinner | 191764 | - |
Jamie M Svisco | 222237 | - |
Jared Anthony Anderson | 203412 | - |
Jason Kropf | 963334 | - |
Jason Benjamin Wheeless | 050980 | - |
Jason D Kipnis | 240480 | - |
Jason L LaBella | 182603 | - |
Jeff Eager | 045405 | - |
Jeff S Patterson | 024193 | - |
Jefferson T Michael | 220246 | - |
Jeffrey D Coats | 130566 | - |
Jeffrey K McCollum | 780620 | - |
Jeffrey K Traylor | 096742 | - |
Jeffrey Paul Bernstein | 922283 | - |
Jeffry S Hinman | 096821 | - |
Jennifer E Woodruff | 971583 | - |
Jennifer J Smith | 172537 | - |
Jennilyn K Aston | 122751 | - |
JennyRae Foreman | 140854 | - |
Jeremy Dickman | 052361 | - |
Jeremy M Green | 040639 | - |
Jessica C Vail | 210575 | - |
Jessica F Cherry | 213558 | - |
Jessica Lee Kindley | 241433 | - |
Jessica R Lueker Fleming | 141631 | - |
Jessica S Doidge | 230454 | - |
Jodie W Hueske | 914636 | - |
Joel A Wirtz | 034964 | - |
Joel J Kent | 963262 | - |
Joel K Overlund | 873149 | - |
Joel T Geelan | 125385 | - |
Joel Watkins Shaffer | 242954 | - |
John Goodman | 974978 | - |
John Sutter | 926122 | - |
John D Sorlie | 950451 | - |
John E Laherty | 036084 | - |
John Kyle Schmid | 061169 | - |
John M Scheppach | 213154 | - |
John Michael Myers | 172465 | - |
John P Anderson | 971995 | - |
John Philip Fluvog | 145810 | - |
John Phillip Gilroy | 990535 | - |
John S Stone | 753586 | - |
John Vincent Komar | 121981 | - |
Jon J Napier | 983062 | - |
Jonathan Moowon Char | 024992 | - |
Jonathan S Pritchard | 870768 | - |
Jonathan T van Heel | 095349 | - |
Jordan Rodriguez | 241457 | - |
Joseph A Langerman | 183910 | - |
Joseph B Sullivan | 210963 | - |
Joseph S Walsh | 065427 | - |
Josh Newton | 983087 | - |
Joshua M Hood | 193122 | - |
Julia A Follansbee | 860360 | - |
Julie L Gregory | 011271 | - |
Julie M Van Handel | 974186 | - |
Juliet A Hayden | 244620 | - |
Justice V Kelley | 244637 | - |
Justin J Bubenik | 240244 | - |
Justin J Burns | 002220 | - |
Justine Kerri Fanarof | 215699 | - |
Karen Stanley | 022489 | - |
Karla L Nash | 942037 | - |
Kate M Hawe | 180937 | - |
Katherine C Tank | 883199 | - |
Katherine L Rowe | 190654 | - |
Katherine R Burns | 203508 | - |
Kathleen Diane Long | 211654 | - |
Kathryn J Pfeil | 214374 | - |
Kathryn J Skondin | 124552 | - |
Kaycee Jane McClary | 194160 | - |
Kelly Lance Monaghan | 153934 | - |
Kelsey Quinn Gorman | 245612 | - |
Kenneth C Goodin | 066290 | - |
Kent C Whitaker | 701605 | - |
Kerry D Tweet | 021229 | - |
Kevin Carolan | 054757 | - |
Kevin J Keillor | 900793 | - |
Kilani Michelle Fierstos | 244716 | - |
Kimberley M Johnson | 212352 | - |
Kimberly D Riley | 223118 | - |
Kortney K Barnes | 186125 | - |
Kristen E Sabo | 201801 | - |
Kristin M Larson | 023639 | - |
Kristin Scheel Downes | 170324 | - |
Kristofer J Womack | 105450 | - |
Kurt E Barker | 011977 | - |
Kyle Pearson | 164571 | - |
Kyle C Fleming | 135752 | - |
Kyle D Wuepper | 001601 | - |
Kyle J Anderson | 011493 | - |
Kyle J Piro | 124251 | - |
L Todd Wilson | 974383 | - |
Lance A Termes | 176423 | - |
Laura A Baumann | 190884 | - |
Laura Craska Cooper | 991470 | - |
Laura R Franzen | 123165 | - |
Laurel A Cherkoss | 055462 | - |
Lauren C Guicheteau | 162185 | - |
Lauren J Lester | 060858 | - |
Lauren M Nowierski-Stadnick | 210322 | - |
Lawrence M Gorman | 882150 | - |
Lawrence W Erwin | 730850 | - |
Leanne Ryan | 062143 | - |
Lee Michael Griffith | 101003 | - |
Leilani R Beaver | 221973 | - |
Leslie T Nitcher | 084321 | - |
Liana E Jones | 210630 | - |
Lillah Lehner | 033940 | - |
Linda A Ratcliffe | 004963 | - |
Lindsay E Gardner | 123205 | - |
Lisa Andrach | 040012 | - |
Lisa Calyn Valenta | 130494 | - |
Liz Fancher | 812202 | - |
Lonn T W Johnston | 083734 | - |
Lori K Murphy | 990700 | - |
Mara E Houck | 161939 | - |
Marc Charles Baumgartner | 103096 | - |
Marc L Tisher | 001199 | - |
Margaret R McAdams | 213637 | - |
Marika E Sitz | 215191 | - |
Mario F Riquelme | 024409 | - |
Mark Bonnett | 904671 | - |
Mark A Basurto | 191076 | - |
Mark A Williams | 804088 | - |
Mark D Hesiak | 220167 | - |
Mark G Reinecke | 914073 | - |
Martha Ottillie Neustadt | 076293 | - |
Martin E Hansen | 800526 | - |
Mary Alice Winters | 076824 | - |
Mary F Anderson | 952016 | - |
Mary Kate Clason | 106799 | - |
Matthew A Holland | 080830 | - |
Matthew Carl Nelson | 104602 | - |
Matthew G Matrisciano | 084131 | - |
Matthew L Mohill | 070780 | - |
Matthew O Rykels | 220049 | - |
Matthew R Cody | 232818 | - |
Matthew Turner Sonneby | 245723 | - |
Maureen M Home | 236252 | - |
Max M Yoklic | 194865 | - |
Megan J Horner | 135680 | - |
Megan K Burgess | 042526 | - |
Melanie Kebler | 083798 | - |
Melinda Thomas | 053962 | - |
Melissa P Lande | 913493 | - |
Merrill A Maiano | 082370 | - |
Micaela Ashe Guthrie | 126091 | - |
Michael B McCord | 783000 | - |
Michael C Petersen | 951855 | - |
Michael C Sullivan | 732977 | - |
Michael H McGean | 004734 | - |
Michael J Della Paolera | 221181 | - |
Michael N Selkirk | 191836 | - |
Michael P Stadnick | 210339 | - |
Michael R Hughes | 135942 | - |
Michael R McLane | 904435 | - |
Michael V Staudaher | 141710 | - |
Michael W Peterkin | 823670 | - |
Michelle A McIver | 082054 | - |
Michelle Kathleen Littlewood | 246381 | - |
Monica Ashley Nolan | 246595 | - |
Mrs. Alison Burrows Stameisen | 203515 | - |
Mrs. Christine C Bacon | 110995 | - |
Mrs. Courtney E Carskadon | 214098 | - |
Mrs. Heather J Hansen | 035189 | - |
Mrs. Megan K Beshai | 195564 | - |
Mrs. Melissa Anne Olen | 246714 | - |
Myles A Conway | 881840 | - |
Nathan Klinger | 193953 | - |
Nathan Gabriel Steele | 004386 | - |
Neil A Cole | 962460 | - |
Niccolo Fedele Barber | 171957 | - |
Nicolas F Patterson | 064632 | - |
Nicole M Burke | 191456 | - |
Olivia M Miller | 230534 | - |
Owyhee Weikel-Magden | 081324 | - |
P Heath Hattaway | 222750 | - |
Patricia Louise Nelson | 932990 | - |
Patrick J Flaherty | 883783 | - |
Patrick K Cougill | 883809 | - |
Patrick Miguel Julian | 994674 | - |
Paul B Heatherman | 933000 | - |
Paul D Kim | 201936 | - |
Paul J Taylor | 983560 | - |
Peter Shepherd | 801066 | - |
Peter Straumfjord | 105159 | - |
Peter A Christoff | 085836 | - |
Peter A Werner | 091722 | - |
Peter C Richter | 711465 | - |
Peter L Deuel | 851863 | - |
Peter Roy Brantley | 051348 | - |
Peter S Hicks | 933057 | - |
Phil Hung Duong | 063181 | - |
Philip Gibson Henderson | 890575 | - |
Philip Harry Garrow | 832080 | - |
Philip J Kirk | 224346 | - |
Philip R Anderson | 952023 | - |
Quinlan Steiner | 196319 | - |
Quinn McVey Burket | 232975 | - |
R Brady Williams | 164983 | - |
Rand O Campbell | 193408 | - |
Raun William Atkinson | 142758 | - |
Raymond D Crutchley | 011081 | - |
Reagan Lee Brenneman Desmond | 045129 | - |
Rebecca L Spain Keller | 222015 | - |
Rene C Holmes | 982530 | - |
Richard Alan Stout | 773630 | - |
Robert W Ickes | 052917 | - |
Robin DesCamp | 975415 | - |
Robin D Dal Soglio | 212614 | - |
Robin Lewis Hopkins Hayakawa | 245098 | - |
Ronald L Roome | 880976 | - |
Ronald M Johnson | 880629 | - |
Rory Isbell | 173780 | - |
Rosalie Beaumont | 121167 | - |
Ryan C Kaiser | 130344 | - |
Ryan P Boyle | 052078 | - |
Ryan Patrick Correa | 071109 | - |
Ryan S Mauck | 194153 | - |
Ryan T Howard | 123466 | - |
S Skye Gross | 230881 | - |
Sam M Cohn | 220404 | - |
Sam M Nagy | 121239 | - |
Sanny Kataoka | 232406 | - |
Sarah Trautman | 226241 | - |
Sarah E Harlos | 085915 | - |
Sarah J Yates | 184830 | - |
Sarah K Murray | 205316 | - |
Sarah R Monkton | 196018 | - |
Scott J Mahady | 064180 | - |
Scott R Crane | 982017 | - |
Sean L Kyle | 176185 | - |
Sean M Neary | 114709 | - |
Sean Michael Trimble | 111440 | - |
Sean Patrick Levy | 141007 | - |
Shahzad Qadri | 181073 | - |
Shanley N Chandler | 214422 | - |
Shannon McCabe | 143812 | - |
Sharon J Murray-Roberts | 140649 | - |
Sharon R Smith | 862920 | - |
Shelby Thomas | 174772 | - |
Shiann R Schmidt | 186133 | - |
Stacey H Taylor | 002808 | - |
Stacy Neil | 024043 | - |
Stephanie Marshall | 066630 | - |
Stephanie Carsten Kucera | 165509 | - |
Stephanie Jost Fiereck | 972582 | - |
Stephen Mensing | 933634 | - |
Stephen A Wight | 925037 | - |
Stephen C Thompson | 763597 | - |
Stephen H Gunnels | 940838 | - |
Stephen P Forte | 830376 | - |
Steven D Bryant | 915302 | - |
Steven L Shropshire | 944375 | - |
Steven M Avila | 235744 | - |
Steven M Kurzer | 000641 | - |
Steven P Hultberg | 963137 | - |
Sue O Hagerty | 062096 | - |
Susan C Moffet | 870632 | - |
Susan K Eggum | 824576 | - |
Suzanne M McVicker | 110687 | - |
Tamara E MacLeod | 953427 | - |
Tanja E Hens | 071993 | - |
Taylor B Hale | 204522 | - |
Terrence B O'Sullivan | 681225 | - |
Theodore D Krause | 231493 | - |
Thomas Bahrman | 001973 | - |
Thomas J Mortland | 762606 | - |
Thomas M Spear Jr. | 951712 | - |
Tia Marie Lewis | 933437 | - |
Tim G Elliott | 952553 | - |
Timothy L Williams | 034940 | - |
Timothy P Lyons | 222252 | - |
Todd H Grover | 982443 | - |
Tony F De Alicante | 890188 | - |
Tracy L Scheidtmann | 185854 | - |
Trent Jared Fornasier | 234515 | - |
Trevor Stephens | 151516 | - |
Tye J Gonser | 200184 | - |
Tyler J Moore | 172544 | - |
Tyler P Malstrom | 094325 | - |
Tyson E Storch | 954290 | - |
Valerie Wright | 861075 | - |
W Edward Neusteter | 190132 | - |
Walter R Miller Jr. | 043611 | - |
Wayne D Hawn | 080110 | - |
Wells B Ashby | 032601 | - |
Wendy H Hanson | 065885 | - |
Will Dennis | 061785 | - |
Will Van Vactor | 075595 | - |
William Lamb | 201611 | - |
William D Bunch | 994406 | - |
William Fred Buchanan | 932223 | - |
William Glenn Wardlow | 162043 | - |
William J Martin | 862415 | - |
William Peery Melton | 243075 | - |
Xavier Andres Campos | 196294 | - |